Trade Masters Online wants to help everyone

Mission Statement

Provide assistance and education for regular guys (and girls) to confidently learn a trade and realize their potential and that there are others out there, just like them, that do care about them and have passed through similar challenges.


Trade Masters Online is an elite league of happy, helpful and honorable tradesmen, tradeswomen and associates. The organizer of Trade Masters Online began his journey with a non-profit organization, Neolife, in 2010 to raise awareness of the reality of the cycles of depression and anxiety in normal people. This was several years before mental health became such a common topic. Although Neolife has since closed, Trade Masters Online carries the same heart and goals.

While we all aren't individually successful as far as wealth and money goes, we are striving for success in our respective trades, in our friendships, our families, and our communities.

If there is a way for us to help our students, your students, that burned-out tech, that apprentice who can't seem to do anything right, or any other individual or group - please let us know. We collaborate with and advise individuals, non-profit's, schools, politicians, governments, businesses and regular guys like you. Trade Masters Online participates in many ways to the benefit those in the trades, their families and the world. We speak in seminars, trainings, provide education, donations and by other means.

Reach out with opportunities to serve at [email protected] or call 1-800-877-1792.

Trade Masters Online mission statement